You're THE ONE.
Jealous - Labrinth







I'm jealous of the rain  我嫉妒雨滴
That falls upon your skin  那些落在你皮肤上的雨滴
It's closer than my hands have been 它们比我的手更接近你
I'm jealous of the rain 我嫉妒雨滴
I'm jealous of the wind 也嫉妒微风
That ripples through your clothes 它掀起你的衣襟
It's closer than your shadow 比你的影子更亲近
Oh, I'm jealous of the wind, cause  噢,所以我才嫉妒微风

I wished you the best of 我曾祝福你
All this world could give 能够得到世界上最好的东西
And I told you when you left me 当你离我而去的时候
There's nothing to forgive 我也曾告诉你没有什么需要被原谅
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was  但我一直以为你会回来告诉我
Heartbreak and misery  你感到的尽是心碎与伤痛
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way 我不知道该怎么开口说我嫉妒
You're happy without me 嫉妒你没有我依然快乐

I'm jealous of the nights  我嫉妒夜晚
That I don't spend with you 那些我们不能共度的夜晚
I'm wondering who you lay next to 我总在想你会躺在谁的身边
Oh, I'm jealous of the nights 噢,我嫉妒那些夜晚
I'm jealous of the love 我嫉妒你的爱
Love that was in here  那份曾经属于我
Gone for someone else to share 现在却与别人分享着的爱
Oh, I'm jealous of the love, cause 噢,所以我嫉妒那份爱


As I sink in the sand  我握住一捧流沙
Watch you slip through my hands 看着你从我的指缝间溜走
Oh, as I die here another day 噢,某天我会死在这里
Cause all I do is cry behind this smile  因为我只能在微笑背后哭泣


It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way 我不知道该怎么开口说我嫉妒
You're happy without me 嫉妒你没有我依然快乐

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